You’ve reached or exceeded your resource limits Error | Error 503

Hello everyone!

Is your website taking to long to load?

Having trouble while accessing your Website?

Wait! Is your website crashed? or it is not loading at all?

Well, You’ve reached or exceeded your resource limits, this might be one of the reason.

Look at the error below: Are you getting this error

"service unavailable the server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. please try again later. additionally, a 503 service unavailable error was encountered while trying to use an error document to handle the request"

If you are getting this error then you are in the right place for the solution.

Well, mine hosting was from GoDaddy and I have faced the same problem. All you have to do is ( From wherever you have taken your hosting)  call or chat with your hosting service provider.

In these cases, your hosting might not be the problem. it's the plugins you are using. Some plugins occupy much space and create problem to your website to load. Choose your plugins wisely.

For this error, ask your hosting provider to disable your plugins ( this is what I did) and have a look at your site.

Wow! It is working fine now. 

Now, activate your plugin one by one and try to figure out the issue.

Hope you will get some help from this blog.

Thank you!


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