How to Improve your Alexa Rank in 2018

           NM Digital Marketing Agency

What is Alexa Rank?

Your Alexa Rank is an estimate of how popular your site is relative to all other sites.

Is Alexa Ranking worth for SEO?

Many SEO Specialists suggest not to consider Alexa rank when you do SEO for your website.
When you apply any SEO tactics on your site, and you watch Alexa rank change positively, that’s mean you use best tactics on your site.
Because Alexa metrics relays on traffic to your blog or website and we apply SEO on our blog or website only for getting exposure to the broad audience of the Internet.
There are many metrics like Page Rank, Domain Authority available on The Internet, So why I focus on boosting an Alexa Rank?
The answer is,
Many advertisers (not Google Adsense) focus on Alexa rank for advertising on your website.
So it’s Important to get lower Alexa rank for every webmaster who depends on that type advertiser to get advertisement.

How to Improve Alexa Rank

After reading the above lines, you really understand what is Alexa rank.
You want how to Increase Alexa Rank quickly?
Let’s check below article for finding the best tips to lower down your Alexa rank.

1. Install Alexa Toolbar

Alexa toolbar sends yours hits to Alexa servers to get your required website Alexa rank.
After Installing Alexa toolbar, when you visit your site it’s also hit Alexa for providing your site data.
It’s dramatically increasing your website ranking if you below a 1 million like 30 lacs or 50 lacs.

2. Install the Alexa Widget

Installing Alexa toolbar is really helps to increase your website ranking.
But, the biggest problem is,
All clicks or hits on your site not generated by you and unfortunately not every visitor install an Alexa toolbar, and many visitors visit your site through phones.
Alexa is smart to track visitors to your website but what if we help Alexa to track hits on our site?
Alexa widget works like an Alexa toolbar installed in your website visitor and every hit make changes your site ranking quickly.

3. Write Unique Content.

This is a must-have tip from any SEO Expert.
Writing a content helps you to increase traffic to your blog but writing a unique content helps you to build good relation with your readers and it contributes to getting traffic for the extended time.
Search Engines loves Unique and new content, and they prioritized content based on their freshness and uniqueness.
As a beginning of this article, I mentioned Alexa rank directly related to traffic which is arriving on your website.
When you write unique content on some topics, Google gives you first spot on their page for related queries.
Most traffic comes from the search engine first page and if your article found on the first page then its drive the lots of traffic to your website and this helps to increase your Alexa rank.

4. Write Content regularly.

Writing regularly helps to increase your blog ranking quickly.
Are you love dead blogs?
So think if your blog does not regularly update, how you get the decent amount of traffic.
Tip: Write 1 or 3 Post regularly or at least 2 to 3 post weekly and check how fast Alexa rank increase

5. Share your content on social media.

Everyone now connected with the web through social media.
Many users only depend on facebook or twitter to get the best news or results.
Try to share your content on social media to explore the mine of largest traffic provider.
Setup Facebook, Twitter and Google+ page for your website.
Also, submit your site to StumbleUpon, Digg, and Reddit.
Try to write emotional, questionable content which is hard to not share on social media.
For more learning and updates visit: Digital Marketing Agency


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